hey peepz!
this is a rare sight. me blogging. its so infrequent that i blog now, that even i dun know where i have disappered too, let alone you all, my faithful readers. haha.
and why am i so free? lets say i am enjoying a half hour intermission. i finished my one out of 2 term papers of the sem. (its so wierd to have so little term papers. i remember doing 11 just 2 sems ago.) and so that marked the end of my assignments for the sem.
shall do a little review of my sem once the exam ends, which starts in 9 days for me. will end on the 3rd of may. hiaz. here we go again.
shall not gripe that much. everyone is so freaking stressed. everyone is mouthing "gone! gone! gone! this sem is gone! people are griping about getting Cs. some are depressed over B pluses. i know someone is gripping over an A- grade for his or her test. wtf right? ah well. the point is, the world's a bitch, get a leash.
i saw this on someone's pencil case: "I am dead. I am like so dead can." i wanted to laugh out loud in the study room. i was imagining myself saying that in the most bimbotic way possible. and i thought that described my own sem just perfectly.
ah well. shan't say how fat i have become. shan't say how much i am lacking in my prescribed exercise regime. shan't say how far behind in starting my revisions. shan't say what sucky grades i have gotten so far. shant' say what sucky grades i am destined to get. shan't say my life is in a mess (cos alex just tidied up the room again, after alex, mel, jul and wenya already tidied up once). shan't say i am lonely or feeling alone, or that i lack friends, or that i lack love, or that my social life is practicallly none existent. shan't say i find that there are so many cute people in the study room who make me feel more than inadequate. shan't say there are people out there who are studying harder than i am, and making me feel more than inadequate. shan't say there are team mates out there who are working their ass off, and are making me feel inadequate. shan't say my life is terrible, terrible, terrible, because, really, truly, sincerely, there are people who are suffering worse fates than i am.
i will just say, that i am in charge of my own life. and to find myself in this situation at this present point in time, in this present life, in this present circumstances, i will strive to work hard, and encourage myself to do better, and push myself where i can, when i can, how i can, in order to be able to look back with no regrets and say, "i did it."
and until then, i am dead, i am like so dead can?