ganbatene, baka inu
hey peepz!

after incessant requests from my ardent die-hard bakainu fan club (more like bo-liao frens who complain they keep seeing the same entry everytime they open this page) to lap up the latest adventures of my exciting, marvelous, stupendous, the-daily-trials-and-tribulations-of-james-bond-look-alike-aka-bakainu, i have decided to post something this beautiful rainy morning.

schools started. im going to the libary now to zap my required readings like now now now!

ganbatene, baka inu
someone stole my clothes!!!

one really nice red, and not to mention EXPENSIVE shirt i wore only once.
two really comfortable nike dry-fit singlets i bought at 30% discount from queensway.
one matching yellow saucony singlet my friend got me. now i only have the yellow shorts.


i curse that thief to eternal flames of burning coals and sulfers! i curse that the thief will fail fail fail fail fail ALLLLLLL his/her modules! i curse that the thief will trip and fall and somehow or rather drop his or her pants revealing his or her skimpy leather g-string in front of the whole student population. i curse that the thief strike jackpot of a million clothes, only to realise that it was a mistake on the singapore pools part and then AAALLLL his or her clothes get confiscated. i curse you thief! i curse you! bah!

other than that, world peace everyone. which coincidentally is an ironic statement, with the wars and the typhoons and everything. so everyone please pray for everyone else. oh dun pray for that thief. wait, no, pray that he or she gets her just desserts.