ganbatene, baka inu
Hi all,

This blog will be moving to a new site: come 1 Jan 2012.

Thank you for following this blog's growth till now. The next chapter begins... =)
ganbatene, baka inu
The 6th High Key In-Camp is finally over. And its over with a heavy sigh of relief.

My first and foremost thought goes out to RSM who suffered a horrendous fall and is in ICU. I wonder how he's second operations has gone. I'm keeping him in my heart and my prayers.

Just a few interesting episodes for me:


I didn't get to do my IPPT this year. Apparently my window stretched from 16 Nov 2010 to 20 Jan 2012, ie from before my previous ICT and after this one. Felt robbed of another $400. I asked repeated and even called to clarify. Apparently no human can change this systemic input. Every staff simply shook his head and said it can't be done. It has irritated me the utmost.

So I paced my friend and helped him achieve his gold. That at least comforted me much.


Was supposed to lead three teams for a critical part of the entire exercise. Ironically, this is the one part the instructors seemed to have consciously decided to neglect any instruction. For the most part, they simply followed, rather than dispense any advice.

Thrown into an relatively unfamiliar row as BRT commander, which is usually undertaken by SP CSM, who was too busy standing in for someone else. But Daniel certainly have pushed himself and his voice way too hard.

So anyway, I must admit I've made a number of mistakes:
- I must secure my stuff properly
- I must ensure proper markings
- I must have extra markings on myself
- I must have more red cylum sticks
- I must move through more decisively and quickly
- Track over trail over Bash
- High ground over low ground
- Get a water or back pack. The sling bag can be quite a hazard
- Get a side water pouch to contain the sticks

Well, that about wraps up the most memorable parts of the ICT.

Now. Back to civlian life. I'd bet my work email has burst.

I've learned a little bit more about myself this time as well. How much I want to chiong, how garang I want to be, how much I want things to succeed. I still think I can do more, do better.

The scars of yesterday can and must serve as reminders of my determination and rectitude tomorrow. Fight through the pain and come out a better man.
ganbatene, baka inu
For a brief period of time, I had forgotten how much it hurts, until I met you again.
ganbatene, baka inu
Let me see you not in my dreams, but on the dance floor with someone else.

I would be sad either way, but with the latter, at least I know you are happy.
ganbatene, baka inu
I read somewhere that for some people the best time to write is in the morning. So I decided to give this a shot.

Usually when I wake up, my mind is swimming in all sorts of thoughts pulled in from the aftermath of dreams, lingering reminders to remind myself about something I remembered just before I fell asleep, and the repeated run down of my imaginary to-do list (which should be in my head in the first place if only I had jotted it down).

So for me, I reckon it may be a good idea if I do a data/thoughts/idea dump first thing in the morning.

It's been a rather good new year so far. Been learning a lot of things from interacting with a range of people, about the internet, photography, feng shui, ba zi, zi wei, mattress, bed frames and interior designing.

And I think that the people I learned them from are so inspiring, in knowledge they have and the passionate way they speak. Aspiring to be like them is one thing, to become like them is another. I have a long way to go to become a subject-matter expert myself. But I should get there eventually.