ganbatene, baka inu
Just putting up more photos from regatta!

Here is my batch, or whoever we could catch that day, both guys and girls! I was trying to look more cutsy than raine!

My batch guys with coach Naziman! ooo. i like my arms. whahaha!

Kenneth Ye Bingjia! its been a while since he's around. he's been sick all sem. and thin. hiaz. see you soon! and there's jon again. i purposely widened my eyes so people wont say jon and i have tiny eyes again. haha!

I love putting Ms Wen last! this was probably my "happiest" pic. she always says i seldom talk to her on my own initiative. but Ms Wen, do you know how much joy you put in my heart and how much smiles you give me? of course, dun forget the tears you've induced in Penang, but still! I LOVE YOU MS WEN!

1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:


    you ALWAYS make me teary-eyed as well with what u say and your blog posts.

    but you ALWAYS make me smile as well...the silly things we (aquarians) do and say..hahah! :)

    i was just looking through regatta photos over the years and i suddenly rem that year when we did very badly you mentioned in your blog about how seeing me cried made u feel so upset too (something along that lines lah!).

    i really really hope that u don't go missing after you start working. it would take more effort to keep in contact then...but i hope we both make an effort...

    lastly, I LOVE YOU MR TAN!!!
