ganbatene, baka inu
i just finished my Southeast Asia essay, at least i think i did. am doing it with daniel lee from the same camp. because my home's portable home ran out of battery, i ended up talking to him on my mobile. shucks. my plan has no free incoming or outgoing. my plan's ancient. i am imagining the next bill paymet. da-ba-bomb.

over our discussions, i realise i cant stand people whose views differ from my own if it concerns work. i become very impatient, and very irritated. but at every point of difference, i cooled and tried to listen to him, and did my best to have his points included. they made sense. just not to me. i am imagining how i am going to interact with co-workers in the future. i have had friends like JW and alex always complaining about somebody they have to work with and how terrible they are at human relations. i am not afraid to shoot my mouth off hence i usually always tick someone off or rub the guy up the wrong way. sigh. have to be patient. have to be diplomatic. have to be a suck up. have to act more convincingly. have to be more fake. ah well. that's life. right?

db was a torture for me today. i was doing my essay in the morning, kept thinking about whether or not to go, and then by a wave of yearning, i decided to go for training at the last minute. and ironically when i was there, i kept thinking about my essay. talk about being in two place at once. then i felt so weak and tired. and every stroke was painful, every pull a stress and every recovery felt like slow motion. i was wacked. sean says that a boat can only fill 22 people. i am hoping i will not be selected for that team. i mean there is no need for that hope. i am not qualified to be considered for selection anyway. but i do want to be in the mixed team though. haha! i want to participate. but i know if i get into the main boat, i am just going to slow them down. at least in the mixed team, i have more impetus to pull hard. maybe just to look more impressive to the girls. haha!!!

going to talk about gm again. its just normal observations, dun worry baby. i am NOT interested in you. haha!!! read his blog. he's super funny. he's the kam sort of funny. he's the ah beng funny. he reminds me of desmond gay from camp. sprouting nonsenses that comes off as funny. then he makes all those puns and jokes about chinese idioms. bao1 luo2 wan4 xiang4. wrap the gong and thousands of cameras will take your pictures. its funnier cos alex will believe them. haha!!! you crack us up man. he's your street comedian. like david blaine the street magician. but other than that, he's just your normal perverted, uncontrollably hormonal guy who just wants some form of decent love. awwww.... he's wacked. good luck buddy. hope your relationship lasts longer than 2 months.

yao, andrea and mark played pool yesterday. i had to do essay. i was so jealous when yao was telling me about it. i missed pool so bloody damn much. andrea beat mark!!! i cant' believe it. that means she can beat me anytime now. i am just fantasizing how much pool i am going to play after the exams... muahaha!!!! i am going to let loose and wreck havoc. pool parlours... be afraid... be very afraid.........

but its really an opportunity to meet my friends again, all those i have neglected. i miss you yao. i miss all the times we spent chatting and conversing our way home. but i saw this coming, the end of it all when school started. and even so, we havent been making the conceited effort to call each other, only because i am the only who is always busy, always working, always training. to all my friends, i always think about you. and its sometimes sad, especially when i am hanging out with my books or my db buddies, and all i can do for you guys is think about you all. i am such a bastard. but at the same time, i know you guys have gone off and gotten your own life. i look back at secondary school and my best mates, ZX, YX, merv, WY, alvin chiew have all distanced them selves so far away i dun recognise them. and they cant' recognise me either. we have changed. and i weep for the differences. we cant seem to find that one constant thing that we can hold on to sometimes. and we drift apart.

exams are coming. i am not prepared. i am screwed. as usual.

1 Response
  1. eh mark wasn't playing his best on saturday..i still got alot to improve on before i thrash u k MC =)