Hey Peepz!
Regatta is officially over. This race will always have like special fond memories for me personally. It my first race when i was in year one. its the race when SMU collided with PQ's forehead. its the race that marked the start of a long emotional journey personally. And its four years. and im here, marking another milestone in my history. though we got third, i guess we have alot to learn. heh.
Still, here are the best pics taken with my camera. not all of them are of my work. though most are. keke. enjoy!
Here are the "back series" Not my works, but i like it when i arrange the three photos this way. symmetry.

I like this sepia pic of Nick and Miq.

Lastly! there is of course yours truly! I was all pouty cos someone *ahem ahem. you yes you* was not sending me my smses. haha! then i getting all blur and ready for the next race.

Regatta is officially over. This race will always have like special fond memories for me personally. It my first race when i was in year one. its the race when SMU collided with PQ's forehead. its the race that marked the start of a long emotional journey personally. And its four years. and im here, marking another milestone in my history. though we got third, i guess we have alot to learn. heh.
Still, here are the best pics taken with my camera. not all of them are of my work. though most are. keke. enjoy!
Here are the "back series" Not my works, but i like it when i arrange the three photos this way. symmetry.
This is the "supporters" series. Here are some of the group shots of the supporters for the mixed team!
This is the "emotions" series. I tried to do some artistic shots and really just wanted to capture some sort of raw emotions when the guys are cheering their hearts and lungs out.
This is the "gray series." Am trying to put my good camera to use by playing with the colour changes. this is pong!
Two of my more favourite pics. there's kevin covering his head with his towel to shield himself from the blazing sun. then three is yaohui squinting with intense attention, at the chio bu on the opposite shore. or someone.
This has GOT to be my favourite work of the day! It Sidney with the UOB building in the background. like stamford raffles! haha!
I like this sepia pic of Nick and Miq.
Here is the "family" series. Three men and a baby! then bennet and choon guang decides to adopt it finally. awww...
This pic gets my honour of best dry run! Here are our paces Darren on the inside and Alvin. then they are supported by Vincent. its like perfect synchrony. shant say much about synchrony for the rest of us behind... :-x
This pic gets the dubious honour of being the most possibly-wrong-picture. wonder what is Choon Guang checking out of Shifa's...
This is the "shi2 lian2 pai1" sequence! its Yihan, Gwendoline and Yingbei. They were very to try to do 10 consecutive poses. in the end, only Gwen was left standing as the other two ladies collapses in giggling fits. Then again Gwen only lasted till 4.
this is the "funny faces" series! there is Xiangyi doing the "whatever!", Mervyn doing the "Huh? Herm. Yes im Caveman" look. and finally Xiangyi again giving the death stare.
This the "chio gers" series! Raine, Rahayu, Wenya and Amanda! Super cute!
Some of the juniors decided to get a little rowdy... i think some wanted to up the intimacy level in the team. wahaha!! there is Qiaozhi at the bottom, Miq getting jiggy with him, Choon Guang trying to pull a fast one, and Ben and Dickson just giving them the extra hands. Wee Yang looks amused but declined to join in the fun.
Lastly! there is of course yours truly! I was all pouty cos someone *ahem ahem. you yes you* was not sending me my smses. haha! then i getting all blur and ready for the next race.
I want to end this entry, with a little tribute to the team i have been in for the last 3 and a half years le. I just want to end it with a bang. :)