Hey Peepz! update! whahahaha. the shameless pronouncement of mundane-details-made-glamourous. why? Just Because. whahahaha! Here is Part One!
the exams are finally over. just last week infact! and i only had 2 days of rest! Right before i jumped into my first real "working" experience, being an intern at the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports.
Here are some of the highlights during the examination period!
Oh! I am testing the picture uploading system from blogger. Give me feedback if you prefer this format, or the previous ones when I used photobucket! or any better format for presenting pictures! much appreciated!

PQ and I grabbed some drinks at Wine Company at Dempsey. It was my first time there! pretty posh for my social status (which is none!) and full of yuppies and executives and expatriates. I hope to be reach the stage when i can drink there whenever I want!

Met up with DiDi Kai at Munchies! This smart ass refuses to take pictures cos he is determined that he needs to go for plastic surgery before anything else!
Foodie Darren was so so so kind as to come over and reformat and fix up my lap top during the exam periods cos my lap top was stalling and hanging left right and centre. and it was pissing me off. Thank god for Darren and his strawberries! Calmed me down a lot, so i would not go berserk and start doing fantastical stuff, like running over to XY's room and start talking to Robbie and Amanda, his darling soft toys.

Caught Aeron for dinner at Ginza! we had XO fish noodles. my first time trying it. I wasn't wowed. as I would be at Greenwood (see other entry) but it was indeed an interesting taste! My sister came over to fetch us back to school but she was rushing me like mad cos she needed to meet someone else. And i totally forgot to pay the bill! when i reached school, i suddenly remembered and i had to take a cab BACK to pay the bill. argh. must take this chance to make her feel guilty. the cab trip cost SIX dollars more!!! *rips hairs and rolls on the floor in anguish* SIX dollars!!!

The OKR RAs were very very kind as to make green bean soup for the residents of Block B! As part of their support for us during our exam period. it was not bad! i still prefers mommy's but still, their kind gestures are very much appreciated!

Bryan was also very supportive of my exam efforts! Bought me some foodstuff from Suzhou! I loved the peanut snacks! gave most of them to my family cos I could not possibly eat them all!!!

XY came over to my room and with his sheer force of his bulging and rippling muscles ripped my pull up bar off my door frame. Why did i mention it? It so I can also rub some guilt into Superman! and so that when i go crazy i can run over to his room and start talking to Robbie and Amanda. :)

Met up with Teddy and Dane at this shop! I forgot what its called, but its at Robertson Quay. Its a Japanese Book/Restaurant. Its a very cosy place! I hope to be able to master the language so I can sit there and eat curry chicken rice and read manga in Japanese.
the exams are finally over. just last week infact! and i only had 2 days of rest! Right before i jumped into my first real "working" experience, being an intern at the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports.
Here are some of the highlights during the examination period!
Oh! I am testing the picture uploading system from blogger. Give me feedback if you prefer this format, or the previous ones when I used photobucket! or any better format for presenting pictures! much appreciated!

PQ and I grabbed some drinks at Wine Company at Dempsey. It was my first time there! pretty posh for my social status (which is none!) and full of yuppies and executives and expatriates. I hope to be reach the stage when i can drink there whenever I want!

Met up with DiDi Kai at Munchies! This smart ass refuses to take pictures cos he is determined that he needs to go for plastic surgery before anything else!
Foodie Darren was so so so kind as to come over and reformat and fix up my lap top during the exam periods cos my lap top was stalling and hanging left right and centre. and it was pissing me off. Thank god for Darren and his strawberries! Calmed me down a lot, so i would not go berserk and start doing fantastical stuff, like running over to XY's room and start talking to Robbie and Amanda, his darling soft toys.

Caught Aeron for dinner at Ginza! we had XO fish noodles. my first time trying it. I wasn't wowed. as I would be at Greenwood (see other entry) but it was indeed an interesting taste! My sister came over to fetch us back to school but she was rushing me like mad cos she needed to meet someone else. And i totally forgot to pay the bill! when i reached school, i suddenly remembered and i had to take a cab BACK to pay the bill. argh. must take this chance to make her feel guilty. the cab trip cost SIX dollars more!!! *rips hairs and rolls on the floor in anguish* SIX dollars!!!

The OKR RAs were very very kind as to make green bean soup for the residents of Block B! As part of their support for us during our exam period. it was not bad! i still prefers mommy's but still, their kind gestures are very much appreciated!

Bryan was also very supportive of my exam efforts! Bought me some foodstuff from Suzhou! I loved the peanut snacks! gave most of them to my family cos I could not possibly eat them all!!!

XY came over to my room and with his sheer force of his bulging and rippling muscles ripped my pull up bar off my door frame. Why did i mention it? It so I can also rub some guilt into Superman! and so that when i go crazy i can run over to his room and start talking to Robbie and Amanda. :)

Met up with Teddy and Dane at this shop! I forgot what its called, but its at Robertson Quay. Its a Japanese Book/Restaurant. Its a very cosy place! I hope to be able to master the language so I can sit there and eat curry chicken rice and read manga in Japanese.
u can't just go and talk to robee and amanda when u go crazy!! i don't allow that!! u might rip them apart!!! then i'll be very sad!!! hahaha...
anw how is ur internship coming along? how's ur first week? fun??
ok why do i look slightly drunk in that pic when i wasn't even drinking yet?
eh eh update again so i can rip off the other pics ! hurhur.
oh ya. hope yr having fun with yr internship =)
oh ya and btw. u CAN drink at dempsey anytime u want.
just depends on whether yr willing to spend. wahahaha.
it's losing it's attraction for me tho.
let's find a new drinking spot =)