Hey Peepz! Update!
Xiangyi tried to organized a batch outing at Jason's place!
Ms Wen being cute as usual, while frantically doing work due the next day. and still she wants to come for the party. heartz!

GM, just wants to laze.... -_-"'
Its 'cher Yanming and Muscle War champion Weiming!
Jason had to undergo knee surgery. that's why he looks like robocop!
'Cher Ms Chua/Mrs Neo joins in with a pizza!
And I finally moved back home. So here are some of the pictures of my last room, the most memorable last year...
My mantra. Or at least, i try to.
My favourite X-men characters... Cyclops and Wolverine! Men of strength, power and intelligence. Not to mention superhuman powers!
My wardrobe!

My organized mess.
The beautiful view i have, especially in the morning, and for those special moments.

Steps. Steps. More Steps. I better have a great ass by the end of four years of climbing.

Bench of noisy gatherings.
the cleaning auntie, who talks to us in Melayu. I should have learned Malay, and asked her to help me clean up my room!
My first room, with Mel and Alex.
My Second with Xiangyi.
My third room with me, myself and I.

Next up: I went for my reservist!

Time to pack! My time in camp has always been good. Despite the chores and sai gang, at the end of the day, I always appreciate having some time to catch up with old friends with laughter and sweat.
LTA Yip, 84 Commander Kai Yong, GPMG Commander Charles
Face of ATOS Faidzal, and my blind, fat 2ic, Shafiee.
Rozman, whos alot more mature than me now.
Companion for the day, Ore, making a funny face for the photo. not that he's showing it, but the food's good! (by SAF standards)
Admin to Sentry, Admin to Sentry, Over. Youqian!
Went over to Lydia's place to say hi. And she showered me and her boyfriend, and my good friend Yao with lots of sweets from Europe!!! Met her super shy Maltese, Snowy too! Glad to catch up with Lydia too, who's a full fledge public servant at her dream ministry, MCYS! Go forth and change the world Lydia!
Next up, Riz's birthday! its one birthday, i would never miss! Din have time to get myself an "oriental" themed outfit though. But it was great to see him again!
The party was held at Nebula Bar, Sentosa Cove. Hope to hold a party like his one day!

7 different types of DESSERTS!!!! We just had to take a bite out of each and everyone of them!
Next up! Yirang asked me out on a date! to her Navy Comms Ball! I was very excited! got to wear my suit! I felt super handsome! Wahahaha!!!

the food at the Marriott hotel was certainly 5 star standard! seafood appetizers and fish-shaped mango pudding!

Yirang's like super duper pretty tonight can? More so than her usual self!
Not that i'm thick skinned, but i think we were the best looking couple of the night! whahaha! Rather, i insist that we were.
Below are the reasons why i will gain 5 kg in 2 weeks time: All sorts of goodies foisted upon me in the people in office! and just hanging out with precious friends.
Reese's peanutbutter chocolate.
HR brought me out to lunch at Sushi Tei, to make me feel at home.
one of Amelia's birthday cakes
Another of Amelia's birthday cakes
Another one of Amelia's goodies: chocolate mousse
One of the colleagues went to Indoneisa, and brought back a HUGE cake of Kuey Lapis... To be frank, I wanted the ENTIRE cake...
Kin Ho got wafers from the Czech Republic! those were delicious!
XO fish beehoon at holland v.
Korean food at the Meridian
Tasteless Green Tea pudding with fruits.
The hugest, mudpie i've seen! at the Coffee Club Express at Hotel Rendevous. It was, Special.
Lastly, Daddy knows how to pamper his children with Roti Prata for breakfast!
Xiangyi tried to organized a batch outing at Jason's place!

GM, just wants to laze.... -_-"'

And I finally moved back home. So here are some of the pictures of my last room, the most memorable last year...

Next up: I went for my reservist!

Time to pack! My time in camp has always been good. Despite the chores and sai gang, at the end of the day, I always appreciate having some time to catch up with old friends with laughter and sweat.

Below are the reasons why i will gain 5 kg in 2 weeks time: All sorts of goodies foisted upon me in the people in office! and just hanging out with precious friends.

Hi dear,
you've been meeting up with so many people so when is my turn?
i'm so happy to see you on saturday at ps and sunday at bedok reservoir.
i miss you all the photos of old kr - benches, steps, 419 and 110 brought back LOST memories.
shall we meet up soon? like please meet up before u leave or something?
and i think u and yirang look damn good together! and u look so handsome in ur suit! why didn't u take more photos?! hahaha
love ya