took this off Ms Wen's blog:

Wish i could have our positions swapped. *prods Ms Wen*
Do miss the little things she does. the postcards, the prezzies, the surprise visits to my hostel room (although not necessarily to see me), her talking to her soft toys, and perhaps just most importantly, just her smile.
"it’s always the little things that matters. the big things don’t matter as much as the little things. and it’s always these little things constantly that makes pple feel appreciated/loved/cared for. and i appreciate the little things my colleagues do. even if it’s just putting the tiniest note i wrote (which can be thrown away) on their table for display. and lao gong doesn’t even throw away the cases of the mint many mint sweets i gave him. he just keeps it. "

Wish i could have our positions swapped. *prods Ms Wen*
Do miss the little things she does. the postcards, the prezzies, the surprise visits to my hostel room (although not necessarily to see me), her talking to her soft toys, and perhaps just most importantly, just her smile.
hi my dear,
you made me teary eye!!!! *screams i hate you in my whiny voice* haha~
i wish we could have our positions swapped too. thanks for coming down to my convo last year. i really wished that i could be there for yours but unfortunately because of work i wasn't able to make it. but that doesn't mean i forgot when ur convo was.
i made an effort to asked everyone when their convo was, just that sadly, i could only attend 2 this year.
a big THANK YOU for u dedicating this post to me. i REALLY REALLY am very touched. appreciate it.
i'm really happy to have known you somewhere somehow in the course of my life. glad our paths have crossed. like i said you will ALWAYS have the honour of being my 1st db guy friend.
it's nice to know that u miss the things that i do. i miss doing all these little things for you people too - miss it very BADLY. thanks for missing my smile too.
so when shall we meet up? u still owe me a date. i'll present my BRIGHTEST smile to you on that day. =D
i miss youuuuu...miss those days when u were just a few steps away. from the pgp days to 419 then 110...
we can always meet on a weekend with our convo gown to take photos! :)
it's this little things you do (by remembering me in ur entries) that makes my day and makes me smile. =)
*loves, hugs and kisses
Pardon me for interrupting your sweet exchanges but as Wen ya has already said.. I miss dropping by your place with Joanna too. As cliche as it sounds "if only I can turn back time (sings).."
Haha~ we should all go K!! Or have a good meal and bitch.. still have the photo of you, When- Yah, Jul, wt, me and cindy at the pasta place oppo mos in taka.
Miss the both of you.
haha..what sweet exchanges? i feel like i typed one looooooooooong email! hahaha but it was supposed to be a comment! ha~ anyways yeah i'm organising one soon, next week in fact will keep u all in the loop!!!! sooon!!