ganbatene, baka inu

Haha! found the video again. it was taken down, but i found it again. love the dance! gimme more!!!

anyway, just proud to announce, that im still alive after the marathon yesterday.

my sister was very nice as to fetch me and my dad, with WT, sarah and liming to the padang. my dad was going to run the 21km.

it was great to run with Ron Tu! we were laughing and joking all the way. until the 25th km mark, after which we each took turns to get cramps. so we walked for a good half of the rest of the leg. then we met our OC, egwin at the last kilometer.

i took a lot longer this time round compared to my last one two years ago. but it was definitely more fun! cos its not just about the run, its about the company. :) ron is just so happy to finish it. we already set our goal. for our next marathon, we will definitely come in sub 5 hours! whahaha!!! but before that, a sub-2 for the next ahm.

liming came in very fast! and i think WT ran faster than me! i told her, if she beat me, she would get an A for our Asian States and Societies modules. hope she really gets the A! and me too! hahah!!!

the aftermath, unfortunately, was horrible. the pain in the head, the back and the legs. i could barely walk. i had to ask joanna to buy lunch for me cos i cant bare to think about walking all the way to the canteen to get food. thanks girl!

all in all, it was a great great day! unfortunately i din take any photos. just hope the sports photox people took a great shot of me! whahaha!!

cant wait for myself to recover and hit the roads again.
1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    eeyur u lost to db girls.

    loser. wahahahaha.

    kidding. see u fri!
