ganbatene, baka inu
I need to look for a new lap top.

I can't be going to Japan with a lap that's dying on me and without warranty.

And I should take this opportunity still as a student to use the discounted prices for lap tops in my school.

Wanna leave this lap top in Singapore for anyone who needs to use it.

Im looking at Macbook. Retail price is $3,494.80. Student price is $2,630.06. Thats like about $900 cheaper. Is it any good?

Too bad my school does not sell Macbook Air. That would be so cool.
2 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

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  2. wenya Says:

    why do u want a macbook air? it's not worth it and there's nothing u can do with it!!!! especially so if you're gg to use it overseas! hahaha..

    buy a macbook pro!! i support!!!!!
