ganbatene, baka inu
making this short tonight.

slept late. woke up early. training. died. metaphorically. lessons learnt: sleep early have breakfast. sounds simple. then why dun i do it? sigh. i am either too rebellious or too stupid. so what absolutely simple thing you know you should do but have yet to do it today? go do it now.

medicine melvin keeps calling me baka inu. hm. seems like another voyeur is keenly interested in the daily life of the stupid dog. haha!!! well, melvin, hope you have been relishing deliciously on my every word. but seriously, its getting alittle freaky. haha!! so when i can read yours? the diary of the narcissistic doctor.

lesson of the day: see above.
1 Response
  1. xanvife Says:

    r u sure u dun like the attention>?? i think u do. a lot in fact. hehheheehheh